Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Feminism is dead. Or at least a real loser.

Just stumbled onto Rock of Love on C4, and it's like watching a car crash. I can't stop watching. Why? Why? This sad old insecure man gets a harem of young women to bitch and catfight with each other over him, jump to his beck and call, do his bidding, and the prize is what? A date with him. A no-strings attached date. This .. this.. is horrible. The man is.. disgusting.

"The sexy six. The sexy six" (ad infinitum)
"Dress warm and sexy. I want a layer of sex"

Who talks like this? Who? Whoooooo?

The only thing that makes me feel better about this is the news that the winner of season 1 didn't want him in the end. Take that, yukky woman-objectifying man! Hahahaaa!

(OMG.. just watched the credits and the production company is called 'Mindless Entertainment'. They actually celebrate this? How can they live with themselves? How can I live with myself that I watched a whole episode of this? Must... self-flagellate... purge.. purge...)

Lemon and Honey, 2 vit C tablets and a nectarine. Followed up on set with a Panadol, pseudoefedrine tablet and half a cheese toasty.

I'm sick. I blame my cold-addled brain for wanting to watch baaaaaaaad eviiillllll TV.

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