Sunday, March 11, 2007

Batman, Nolan, Bale and Gyllenhaal - a prayer to thee.


I just read that Maggie Gyllenhaal is going to be in the next Batman, and my heart started thumping like a lovestruck teeanager... it's happening again dammit, I'm starting to care about the new Batman sequel too damn much. My cinema heart is setting itself up for a fall the likes of The Phantom Menace and Matrix Reloaded, and I'm not sure if it can take it again...

But they can't screw it up! They just can't! Christopher Nolan? Christian Bale? Maggie Gyllenhaal? There's no way! This is a director who has never failed! These are actors I am completely infatuated with! It's true, I haven't seen everything they've done (you couldn't pay me, Mona Lisa Smile), but I have seen what they can do and by golly, there's no way this can go wrong! Touch wood! Touch wood dammit!

I so excited I could pee my pants.

In addition to the whole Christian Bale and Maggie Gyllenhaal thing, I have to confess that Batman is my first comic-book love. His chronicles were the first things I read cover to cover in my cousin's house (that and Bloom County), and Arkham Asylum the first comic to open my eyes to the profound artistic and literary integrity they could hold. Batman's the real deal, with no superpowers but money, grits and a heart of imperfect gold. He's deep and dark, complex and compelling, and I believe the modern world's most relevant comic-book hero.

Batman Begins
was the very first satisfying audio-visual treatment of the myth, despite a long (and mostly awful) history in film and television. I think I'll start praying to the Gods of Cinema on this one. Maybe - just maybe, this one could be a keeper.

Milo and cereal (Tasti Tropicana)
Boring, I know. Sometimes you just want not to think.

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